Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Traveling the World (19)

Sometimes I forget about how big this world is. It's in moments where I'll watch a spectacular sunset or hike to the top of a mountain that I think about how I'm only witnessing a tiny, secluded part of the earth. There is so much more out there that I haven't even experienced! There is a lot of the U.S. that I haven't traveled to and I've never been out of the country, so you can see how much I truly haven't experienced. Maybe someday I'll be able to travel the world, but until then I'm just going to blog about it. Here are the top 3 places I really want to visit:

1.) SAMOA.
Come on, y'all saw this one coming, right? I mean my mom was born there so it basically has to make my top 3. In all seriousness though, I've always wanted to visit Samoa because of that reason. I'd love to meet some of my relatives, experience the culture, and explore the island. From what I've heard and seen in pictures, Samoa is a very beautiful place and I really hope to witness that for myself one day! Additionally, I want to learn the language so that I can speak it with my mom, grandma, and other family members. Currently I only know simple phrases, I'll have to work on that before I visit Samoa! ;)

I don't know what it is about England, but it's been a dream of mine to go for a long time. I remember while I was in middle school, I had my mind set on moving to London once I was an adult. Times have changed though, I'm content with just visiting now. I think my main reason for having England in my top 3 is my slight obsession with Pride and Prejudice. I know you can't base everything off of movies, but I can't help but long to visit England when I watch it. I mean how can one not swoon over this scene?
the feels are strong here

3.) VENICE, Italy.
I feel like all of my reasons behind this location are superficial. Honestly I really just want to go because it's beautiful. But isn't that reason enough? I know it's no where near its actual beauty, but my first glimpse of Venice was The Venetian in Las Vegas, NV. Even if it completely pales in comparison, I was still mesmerized by the idea of buildings on water, romantic gondola rides, and Italian cuisine. I can't even imagine how many pictures I'd take just of buildings, they're so pretty! Hopefully I'll be able to fill a camera full of pictures from my visit to Venice...here's to someday!


  1. Those all sound like super fun vacation places! Hey maybe after our missions we'll have to take a trip to London and I can show you around :)

  2. Traveling is such an important thing I think and especially while we are young and not too tied down. I work hard to visit a new place every year even if its not an exotic location like Venice!

  3. Traveling is the best! I've been to a few places, mostly Scandinavia. But I've also been in Samoa, actually have two adopted sibling from there. It's a gorgeous place you you'll love it!
